Friday, January 3, 2014

WIDA Blog: Using the CAN DO Descriptors in Grades 3-5

Recently at a PD, we had a lot of discussions about using the WIDA CAN DO Descriptors.  One was how ESL Teachers can introduce these to mainstream classroom teachers.  Many of us agree that utilizing the Can Do Descriptors is great for driving instruction and mapping out a plan of action for teaching and making accommodations.  It is also a great tool to share with teachers so they can better understand their ELL Students.

But, like anything "new" these can be overwhelming.  One ESL Teacher pointed out that she created Can Do Descriptors for each of her students in all four domains and handed them out to classroom teachers.  Having no experience with these descriptors caused some anxiety for teachers.  One suggestion is to start small. Instead of creating Can Do Descriptors for each domain, start with one, such as Reading.  Set up a meeting time to sit down with each grade level and go over how to use these descriptors.  It's important that we support classroom teachers by providing them with the proper tools and training to be successful in teaching ELL Students.

If you or your district have a log in to you can download Can Do Descriptor Name Charts for your own use.  This is a great way to inform teachers and drive ESL support both in and outside the classroom. Also check out the WIDA Blog link below.  I find it to be very helpful.  Please comment and share any ideas or experiences you have with utilizing Can Do Descriptors.

WIDA Blog: Using the CAN DO Descriptors in Grades 3-5

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