The downer was after my interview. I second guessed all my responses and made myself practically sick by over analyzing everything I said. Why didin't I respond with this or that!?! What did they think of me? Did I make a good first impression? I should have said this...! I wonder when i will hear something? A person can make themselves nuts after an interview!
The good news for me is after a long interview process, I was offered the position. I was thrilled. I was the one! They chose me! Then the excitement was followed once again by the downer...I would have to break the news to my current job that I would be leaving. I guess this is what they call...bittersweet.
This was especially hard because I truly enjoyed my current teaching position. I worked with a great group of staff members and was led by a caring and supportive administration.
I now have a new opportunity and me leaving was providing a new opportunity for someone else. Plus I had to remind myself that change is good. My colleagues were excited for my new opportunity and they were quick to ask me what were some of my inteview questions. What a great question. Especially since we will be interviewing for my current ESL Teaching Position. So after reflecting on my recent interviews, below are some of the questions I was asked. Of course these are not word for word. These questions are restated the best I can remember. You know what its like to's a big blur while you are in the hot seat.
1. What are ways you reach out to parents, especially those parents that don't speak English?
2. How can you support the classroom teacher?
3. Working as an ESL Teacher can be a very islolated position. How would you reach out to other teachers in the building to provide support for students?
4. Describe a recent lesson you taught.
5. How do you differentiate for small group instruction?
6. What are some best practices in supporting ESL Students?
7. What sets the ESL Student apart from other students in the classroom?
8. How do you teach an ESL Student that is a level one (beginner of English)?
9.How would you handle a situation where your colleagues are not happy about something your principal has asked you to do?
10. Describe your teaching experiences.
11. Why did you choose ESL?
12. How do you incorporate technology when teaching?
Have you had a recent interview or plan to interview canidates for a current ESL Position? If so, please share your questions with us.
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