Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Purpose

Being able to speak more than one language is a gift. It looks great on a persons resume and provides opportunities in our competitive global market, communities and schools.  English is one of the most widely used languages in the world along with Chinese and Spanish.  Learning English or any language can be very challenging. Students enter our English US schools with little or no English Language background.  This can be very challenging for our teachers.  Especially when students enter the classroom as beginners of English.

I'm an EL Teacher (English Language) and teach students with various levels of English. Some students I service speak very little English (levels 1 and 2) and other students are bridging towards reaching proficiency in English (levels 5 & 6). I teach using the WIDA standards and assess students using the Access Test and W-APT for screening students to determine whether or not they need to receive services.  These are state mandated tests. 

As a teacher of ELL Students (English Language Learners) I am always looking for new strategies and ways to support ELLs. In my area we see a lot of Spanish speakers. Often I struggle finding the best practices for teaching ELLs. I've searched the web, googled key ideas and concepts, attended professional development, taken college courses and asked colleagues.  Still I struggle at times and seek out new ideas and support. 

I love to write and communicate my thoughts.  I don't have all the answers but I want to share my ideas and take aways with teachers who service English Language Learners.  I believe this blog will help me better service my students and inspire me to be the best teacher possible. I invite others to share their ideas and teaching strategies by leaving comments. Together we can collaborate and support each other.

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